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Troop 175

Troop 175 is a Scouts BSA troop headquartered at St. Edward Catholic Parish in Jeffersontown, KY.


  • During the School Year: Sundays at 5:00pm
  • During the Summer: Tuesdays at 7:00pm

February 2025

Sunday February 23

9:45 am – 12:30 pm
Scout Sunday
St. Edward Church
Kevin Ludwig

Scout Sunday Catholic Mass, but all are welcome. This is a celebration of all scouts, leaders, and all invited in scouting. We will need several scouts to help out with readings, etc. I will be looking for a couple of you to volunteer.
Full Class A

Friday February 28 6:00 pmSunday March 2 12:00 pm

Pack/Troop Campout
Anthony Lewis

The Pack and Troop adult leadership met to discuss plans for the Pack / Troop Campout. The Troop will be camping in the site near the Tunnel Mill Administration Building and the Dining Hall will be used for activities and Pack Camping. The PLC will be refining plans for activities which were tentatively planned back in the fall with a Superhero theme. We are also planning a movie in the dining hall with popcorn, shooting sports, a short hike for cubs advancement, campfire, and astronomy (star gazing). Stat tuned for more details and make your RSVP early.

March 2025

Thursday March 13

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
ASM Meeting
Parish Office Front Room
Anthony Tisheuar
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Troop Committee Meeting
Parish Office Front Room
Anthony Tisheuar

Friday March 14 6:00 pmSunday March 16 12:00 pm

Camp Michaels and Newport Aquarium
3486 Hathaway Rd, Union, KY 41091
David Lawrence

Weekend camping at Camp Michaels in northern Kentucky. We will be staying in two yurts – circular tent-like structures. Each yurt features 12 beds with mattresses, a wood stove for heat, and a nearby campfire ring.
On Saturday we will be visiting the Newport Aquarium. Touch sharks and stingrays or dare to cross the worlds first Shark Bridge.
Cost for the trip is $50/scout and $20/adult. The trips participant cost has been reduced by fundraising events.